About Us
Our History
In search of alternatives to relaunch his External Comptroller consultancy, Gustavo (Gus) Abarca Jerez, decides to launch a campaign as a business educator and creates the radio program “LATINO AMERICA CULTURA Y NEGOCIOS”. Broadcasting was initiated at 3:30 PM…
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Our Mission
We promote the synergy of a happy and altruistic society through dissertations on cultural and social topics, economics, education, finance, health and nutrition, music, scientific and spiritual topics, without losing the perspective of reality.
Our Vision
We envision the day when our online broadcast will be the loyal companion of intergalactic human travelers on their journeys in space. We invite you to COME ON BOARD!
In search of alternatives to relaunch his External Comptroller consultancy, Gustavo (Gus) Abarca Jerez, decides to launch a campaign as a business educator and creates the radio program “LATINO AMERICA CULTURA Y NEGOCIOS”. Broadcasting initiated at 3:30 pm on Saturday, December 1, 2009, airing a total of one hundred and seventeen (117) programs at La Grande 10:30 am.
In August 2023, Gus creates GAJ Online Radio which was launched on September 13, 2023, on LIVE365 Internet radio network. LIVE365 provides GAJ ONLINE RADIO the necessary legal environment, the flexibility and capacity necessary to transmit uninterruptedly in the United States of America, Canada and the United Kingdom.
The core focus of GAJ ONLINE RADIO is to attract and maintain audiences eager for verifiable, educational information, and healthy entertainment with musical programming of all genres and languages, stimulating critical, positive, ethical, and professional thinking without ambiguities, but within the framework of decency and biunivocal respect.